Lesson 5

Deep probing in sticky situations

Here's a question I got from this www. thing.

May 7, 2003

Tom, When your probing deep, how do you ensure you won’t snap your tool off?



J. Sanders


Of course, there is no way to ensure against any kind of tool breakage (especially if you know my helper!), but there are some things we can do to reduce to possiblity. First don't probe... just kidding I wanted to see your jaw drop.  Ok now for the real answer: Maintaining the rods and inspecting them can indicate excess wear and tear.  I also like to reduce the rig movement during probing by anchoring down for deep probing applications.  And most importantly always use a straight pull.  The probe can slide, swing, and extend to meet the rods so the rods don't have to meet the probe.  All of that is good, but with the Geoprobe system you can lubricate the hole annulus while your driving CPT.  I've also found for materials injection using the injection probe, the rod is lubricated by the injection fluid on the down stroke.


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